Coaching Education Administrator
Julie Schmitt
414.328.9972, ext. 100
WYSA strives to support and encourage coaching education for women by periodically offering licensing courses presented by women, for women. Thanks to the Innovate to Grow Grant from US Soccer, and in cooperation with the WWSAC, WYSA is offering two Women-Only Grassroots courses this summer. The $25 registration fee will be refunded upon completion of the course. If there are no female only courses listed below, please contact Julie Schmitt.
If you are interested in learning more about or possibly becoming involved in Wisconsin efforts to engage, support and advocate for Females in The Game, see Wisconsin Women’s Soccer Advisory Council.
Women Only Offerings
11v11 Grassroots
Virtual | 2/21 @ 7:30-9:30pm
In-Person | 2/24 @ 1:00-3:00pm in Waukesha
Please note both virtual and in-person portions are required to complete the course