Program Administrator
Meghan Ward
414.328.9972, ext. 103
What is Soccer Across America?
The purpose of Soccer Across America (SAA) is to bring programs and/or strengthen existing programs to communities that are not being served or who are underserved. There is no “one size fits all” model for SAA.
How can I join WYSA?
WYSA currently has several options for perspective members. In conjunction with the U.S. Soccer Foundation, WYSA offers Soccer for Success to those seeking an after-school program. WYSA also offers a program called Direct Registration. This program allows remote and rural organizations to register participants to compete in WYSA leagues and programming. Though these are the main programs in place, WYSA is open and happy to serve youth outside of these options. If you’re looking for more information about SAA, trying to decide if Soccer for Success or Direct Registration is a good fit, or looking for other programming, contact Meghan Ward.
Where can I find a Soccer Across America Program?
SAA is small but growing quickly in Wisconsin. If you have interest in joining or starting a SAA program, please contact Meghan Ward.